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So here I am, writing my first ever blog! 
If you had told me three months ago I would be opening up my online shop and writing blogs, my response would have been "No way! What is a blog anyway?" 
I have never had the desire to have a website as my little shop has always been about the customer experience. I love sourcing new products and bringing them to you. It gives me such a feeling of accomplishment when I hear the comments 'what a lovely shop’ or ‘oh you have such lovely things in your shop’ or ‘I never shop anywhere else’. Not to blow my own trumpet or anything! 
Many of you have become friends over the five years that I have been here, often popping in for a chat or a cup of tea and generally putting the world to rights. 
Then it happened; Covid-19. Life as we know it has changed and shops have been forced to change how they operate if they want to survive. 
With the help of my very patient son, Ant, I have tried to keep my website as true to my shop as possible and hopefully we can still have that chat with regular blogging and with feedback from you. Unfortunately, though, the cup of tea might have to wait. 
So for now stay safe and keep in touch. 
My editor thought this blog needed some serious revisions... 
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On 1st July 2020 at 21:31, Fran wrote:
lovely going to explore the online store :)